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Your front porch is the gateway to your home and the reaction it gives off can make a lasting first impression to your visitors and guests. Not only does this entryway spark personality but the design also leads your company to believe that a carefully crafted, welcoming atmosphere is important to you as a homeowner. … Continue reading “How can you use your front porch to welcome guests?”

There are many elements that need to consider when you’re planning to landscape in your backyard oasis. Needless to say, one of the most important factors that need to be considered is the amount of shade that blankets your yard’s vegetation. While it might not feel like a principle concern, gardening when you don’t have … Continue reading “How Do You Garden Under Trees?”

Whether you’re a homeowner who is lucky enough to have enough space for a vast, colorful garden or you’re living with a simple, small plot of grass out back, there are many ways that you can craft and organize your backyard lighting in order to maximize the time you spend outside. After all, any expansion … Continue reading “How can you utilize your backyard space using outside LED lights?”

It’s World Environment Day and while understanding the different types of pollution and how they can affect our health and environment are important in promoting the awareness around us, the real change starts in our homes. We’re the molders of our environment, so setting an example by rejecting single-use plastic and refusing what we can’t … Continue reading “How to Make Your Backyard More Eco-Friendly”

As the temperature dramatically increases and the humidity levels drop this time of year, many open, wood and charcoal fires become prohibited across various parts of the United States and Canada. Due to the growing danger of human-caused wildfires, widespread fire bans are commonly implemented during extreme heat periods in order to prevent forest devastation … Continue reading “Why you should use outdoor lighting as a supplement during fire bans?”

While lanterns and candles can provide a lovely, aesthetic glow to your outdoor space, there’s just something that’s more vividly stunning about professional landscape lights. While an outdoor space is generally taken advantage of during daylight hours, why is it that it can’t be utilized when the sun goes down? After all, with the temperatures … Continue reading “The right outdoor lighting can turn gatherings into special occasions”

Summer is the season of backyard entertaining and while your flower beds are planted and your patio furniture is probably all set up, there are still a few more added elements that have the power to create a comfortable ambiance. So, reflect your personality by bringing the function and beauty of your indoor living space … Continue reading “Which landscape trends can you use to spice up your backyard?”

Not everyone is cut out to own and maintain a large, lush landscape, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t utilize the space that you have to create a relaxing and entertaining environment. Those who live in the heart of the city usually reside in comfy apartment buildings where each bit of square footage holds … Continue reading “How do you make the most of your small balcony space?”

Just like how dressing fashionable is a great way to keep up with fashion trends, creating a backyard, illumination scheme will help you to gain some edge and stay up to date with the latest garden trends. That being said, the direction of home and garden style tends to emerge and change so quickly that … Continue reading “Backyard design features that outlast any trend”

There are so many design elements that can enhance the exterior of your home — a fresh coat of paint, a beautiful patio loveseat and some unique hanging baskets — but none can compare to the stylized appeal of low voltage landscape lighting. That being said, a well-designed lighting plan should consider the placement and … Continue reading “Why outdoor lighting should be a part of your homes exterior features”