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Solar Deck Lighting for a Truly Green Look

Solar power is the talk of the town these days. With the impending energy crisis constantly on everyone’s mind, most people are turning to eco-friendly alternatives for everything from basic lighting needs to extensive green home alterations.

As someone with a green thumb, you have probably already considered several options for lighting up your garden. After all, the only thing that can keep a garden beautiful at night is lighting, whether it’s a full moon, or solar deck and garden lighting.

There are several affordable options when it comes to lighting up your garden using the power of the sun. Modern lamps and lights typically depend on LEDs for power-efficient lighting; and when combined with solar technology, the result is valuable solutions for landscaping lights.

There are several types of deck lighting options in the solar range of products. Whether you want embedded lights, vintage 19th century lanterns or the more modern variations, you have several choices from which to choose.

Embedded lights: These lights can enhance the visual appeal of your outer decks and stairs at night, and stay out of the way in the daytime so you won’t even know they’re there. Available in a variety of models specially designed for decks, stairs and even water, these efficient lights add a high measure of safety for you and your family. These lights can also be set to automatic mode so they turn on when the sunlight starts to dim.

Walk lights: These in-ground lights are easy to install and are very little trouble to maintain. They can be used to line the walkway leading up to the front deck, to provide landing lights for you and your guests. The effect is stunning, and these lights won’t cost you a bundle, either. They are usually available in packs of 6, 10 or 12, and cost as little as $15.

Spots: Spotlights are a great way to highlight certain features of your landscape, but they can also be effective for deck lighting. If you’re worried about a glare that could make seeing more difficult, put them at an angle so the light (remember it’s a spot so it can be angled at will) falls below waist level, solving your problem and brightening the area at the same time.

Lanterns: These are more vintage types of lighting, but powered by modern solar technology. Use these as themed lighting to enhance the look of your deck and surrounding area – including the path – and to sync them with any traditional Victorian lawn ornaments you may have. Lanterns are great for making those weekend lawn parties a truly enlightening experience. Plus, your guests won’t be tripping over your precious flowers either.

The important thing to remember about choosing the right solar deck lighting is to make everything a part of the same theme. A rock garden doesn’t go very well with modern art lawn ornaments and 19th century lantern deck lights. If you are confused, consult a professional landscaping contractor or at least someone with a little experience in landscape lighting.