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Is your home or business winter ready?

The winter season is in full swing and depending on where you live this could mean chillier temperatures, icier conditions, and a whole lot of snow. If you haven’t already, home and business owners alike need to consider how to protect their structures from frigid weather. After all, there’s nothing worse than having a broken furnace, a drafty window, or burst pipe in the middle of winter. Continue reading for some tips to prevent any misfortune this season. 

Tip #1 – Service your furnace: A yearly servicing on your furnace will ensure that everything is running efficiently. Also, if your home or business possesses an older unit, consider replacing it with a programmable one to save on heating costs.

Tip #2 – Inspect windows and doors for drafts: Ensuring that your windows and doors are sealed will help prevent heat loss, alongside replacing weather-stripping around the frames if necessary. You can also consider going a step further by caulking the interior and saving the exterior for warmer weather. 

Tip #3 – Sweep your chimney: Before using your fireplace this year, make sure the chimney and vents are clean and in good condition. This will help to prevent chimney fires and carbon monoxide from building up and finding its way into your home your business. 

Tip #4 – Clean out your gutters: To prevent leaks, your eaves need to be free of debris like leaves, dirt, and sticks to prevent clogging from rain and melting snow. Also, you should make sure your downspouts extend away from your structure to direct any water at least five feet. 

Tip #5 – Inspect the roof: While you’re getting your gutters cleaned be sure to have your roof inspected for any damage. It’s best to have a roofer perform repairs and/or any maintenance in the dryer months of the year. They can also check the caulking around your chimney or air vents to make sure that cool air and moisture stay away. 

Tip #6 – Turn off outdoor faucets: Water that’s left behind in garden hoses can freeze, leading to pipe bursts inside the home. Be sure to disconnect it as soon as you can and drain any remaining water. 

Tip #7 – Trim bushes and trees: While this might seem like a pre-winter thing to do, sometimes other things come up and you can’t get around to it before January. That said, be sure that when you trim back your greenery that it is away from any electrical wires to decrease your chances of power problems during any weather storms. 

Tip #8 – Install outdoor landscape lighting: Both residences and businesses thrive with the help of outdoor landscape lighting. Whether it’s for the safety of postal workers or guests, an added touch to jazz up the ambiance, or for security in the evening hours, outdoor landscape lighting is the perfect way to winterize your surroundings, and it works great for all seasons! 

Have you completed any of the above tips? Drop a comment below if you have any questions about how to get your home or business winter-ready.