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How to Select the Right Plants for Your Landscape

Your plants are the essence of your landscape. They provide the bulk of the design and cater to the overall style and feel of the space.

Due to the importance of plants and the role they play in landscape design, many homeowners get stuck in the selection phase because they are afraid to make a mistake. They plot and plan but never arrive at the buying phase as they are trying to perfect their designs for fear of making a wrong choice.

Fortunately, most plants can be changed if they do not work out so don’t sweat the small stuff. Additionally, if you take the time to consider only the essentials, you will feel more prepared to make your selections.

Here are some tips to starting the process:


Choose plants that compliment your overall design theme. What is your style? Are you drawn to romantic shapes? A streamlined, clean look? Research each plant online before purchasing to view how they look and their overall style. If you feel you are over your head, consider hiring a professional or search for your style first and see what comes up for plants in that particular theme.


Use is one of the most important aspects of landscape design because it allows a plant’s true function to materialize. When contemplating how you will use a plant, ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you need plants around your focal points?
  • Is the soil string enough for the plants to grow in their locations?
  • How large will the plant grow and will it ever overpower items around it?
  • Will they be used to cover up an eyesore?
  • Are you creating an entertainment space?

As you can see, there are many questions to answer when choosing your plants. But, don’t get overwhelmed. Think about your unique landscape and walk yourself through each area while asking yourself questions like the ones above. Don’t get too stuck in the details though or you will never get it accomplished.

The Future

While choosing plants for the present, you must also consider the future. Think about how large the plants will grow and if they will crowd out other features. Determine the light each plant will need and plant them accordingly so they are allowed to flourish in their environment. Consider their maintenance and whether you are willing to take the extra time to keep them beautiful. If not, stick with low-maintenance plants and shrubs. Also, find out the type of soil in which they thrive and their ideal climate for growth. There is nothing worse than choosing a lot of plants and seeing them die along with your hard work.


Lastly, make sure each plant is similar so your entire landscape looks like one cohesive whole. They should be of a similar style even though they may appear different. Exercise smooth transitions from one plant to the next and be careful about adding any plant that doesn’t look like it belongs. It will stick out like an eyesore.

Consult with a landscape design professional if any part of the project feels too overwhelming. It’s better to get expert help than to put it off. In the end, you will be happy you did.