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How to Gain Monetary Benefits from a Beautifully Landscaped Home

Does your landscape design garner “ooohs” and “aahhhs” by all who grace its presence? If so, you may have already added significant value to your home. The value of a home is directly connected to its outdoor space as much as it is to its indoor living. In fact, in some buyers’ minds the curb appeal is even more important because it sets the stage for the first impression. If the first impression is less than favorable, not even a grand indoor environment may be enough to sway an unfavorable opinion.

We all know a beautiful landscape enhances a home, but what about a yard that is falling apart and unmaintained? It’s one thing to have a status quo curb appeal that is unappealing, but neat. But, it’s an entirely different animal to have a messy landscape that needs repairs and some TLC. In this case, your house will be valued lower than your neighbors even if your home is similar in size. And with a poorly maintained front lawn, no buyer will purchase your home unless you sell it for a steal.


If you maintain your landscape but it is mundane and lifeless, add some key features to breathe life into it. A patio, porch or even an outdoor kitchen will increase the value of your home. If your budget is small, plant manicured shrubs or flowers near walkways, driveways, and around the perimeter of your home to add a little personality. A few trees will also add a touch of style to your home and make the entryway welcoming and one to remember.

Potential home buyers love outdoor spaces that provide the perfect backdrop for entertaining. They love BBQ’s, kitchens with beautiful countertops, patios, and fire pits. Any upgrades will enhance the home and make it more attractive to a buyer which increases the home’s value.

Be careful, though, not to spend more money than your location allows. If you spend a lot of money on high-end finishes but you live in a middle-class neighborhood, you may never get that money back because your neighborhood will determine the bulk of your home’s value. Upgrade your landscape but use the right materials for your location so you do not waste any money.


If your landscape and front entrance needs repairs, do not redesign until you clean it up. Look for chipped paint on doorways and stairs, excessive dirt accumulation, broken fences, and any other feature that is in less-than-ideal condition. Once the repairs are complete, remove any shrub overgrowth and weed infestation. Clean the flower beds and prune trees that are blocking nice features. This clean slate will be ready for some redesign so it can be refreshed and add value to your home.

Repair first and redesign second to give your home landscape the tender loving care it deserves. If your budget is small, plan your projects over time and put a little money aside every month. Over time you will see the fruit of your labor and before long you will have that house that receives the accolades of onlookers passing by.

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