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5 Foolproof Ideas to Make Your Home Stand Out This Spring

5 Foolproof Ideas to Make Your Home Stand Out

Your home’s exterior and landscaping are what passersby and potential homebuyers first see, so curb appeal can go a long way to increase your property’s worth and wow your neighbors, not to mention that it can instill in you a profound sense of satisfaction. No matter the reason(s) you want to make your home stand out, here are five foolproof ways of doing so.

Spruce Up Your Lawn

Spring is just around the corner, and you couldn’t ask for a better time to give your landscaping a boost. If you have neglected your lawn, you can give it a greener appearance by re-sodding the bare spots, removing pesky weeds, applying fertilizer, and watering it regularly.

Plant Flowers for a Boost of Color

Flowers not only add vibrant color to your yard, but they also attract fluttery creatures such as butterflies and birds, making your yard livelier. If you don’t like to do a lot of yard work, a flowerbed with perennials that bloom every year is an excellent, inexpensive idea.

Give Your Siding a Good Clean

Before you get to cleaning your siding, make sure that you have repaired any damage, such as cracked boards or trims, that, over time, can make your investment vulnerable to moisture infiltration. Get into the habit of cleaning your siding yearly to remove any grit or grime that has accumulated on the surfaces. Using warm, soapy water, trisodium phosphate (TSP), and a soft-bristled brush, work in sections scrubbing your siding and rinse as you complete each section.

Add Colorful Accents

There are many ways to add personality to your garden other than garden gnomes. You could add an inexpensive wind spinner, a beautiful hand-crafted garden statue, or a whimsical wind chime to add color and an element of fun to your yard.

Add Outdoor Lighting

If your outdoor lighting consists of that sole porch light, it’s time to change things up. After all, you’ve spruced up your lawn, planted flowers, given your siding a good scrub and rinse, and even added colorful accents. Highlight the results of all your hard work and feel that sense of pride and accomplishment even after it starts to get dark by installing outdoor lighting on your property.

How do you plan on boosting your property’s curb appeal this spring? Tell us in the comments section below!
