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3 outdoor light maintenance tips to tackle before fall

Cooler temperatures are in the forecast, which means now is the time to do some much-needed routine maintenance on your outdoor lighting. While exterior lights are, typically, low maintenance, there are still some ways you can preserve your fixtures to ensure longevity and peak performance. This is especially true in climates where weather and temperature change. Moreover, since fall sits between the two most extreme seasons, it’s the best time to tackle maintenance.  

Give your LED garden lights a wash

After months of spring rainfall and summer heat, most outdoor fixtures could use a good bath. While a quick wipe can easily be done without removing the light, the best results are always yielded by detaching the fixtures to allow for cleaning in every nook. To do so, the first thing you will need to do to safely bathe your LED garden lights is turn off the circuit breaker that powers your outdoor grid. Then, remove the light bulbs and any inset glass panels. Then you can use a soft cloth and soapy water to remove any dirt, dust, or water spots. We do not recommend chemical cleaning products unless they’re recommended by lighting manufacturers. Next, simply rinse the fixture with water to avoid streaking, and repeat the same steps backward to put your LED garden lights back in place.

Make adjustments to your fixture’s placement

Whether you want to revamp your outdoor lighting scheme or simply fix the placement of some of your fixtures, now is the time to inspect your lights and ensure they are securely placed and properly positioned. Even changing the direction of illumination can add extra drama to the foliage within your garden. 

*Note: When making adjustments, also be sure to replace worn-out light bulbs and change your automatic timers to meet the new daylight hours.

It’s a good time to tidy up

If you want to get the best out of your LED garden lights, September is a good time to trim back overgrown shrubs that may be blocking some of your fixture’s illumination. While you’re at it, we also recommend removing the start of fall leaves that cover your accent and path lights. 

Consider how well your lighting promotes safety

The fall and winter months possess little daylight compared to spring and summer, which is why the importance of providing a well-lit path becomes essential rather than nice-to-have. Walkways, driveways, steps, and front porches need to have enough light as a safety precaution and as a common courtesy to avoid slip-and-falls. Use the time you have now to organize your current lights and order more LED garden lights if your spaces need more vibrancy.

Routine maintenance doesn’t take long but it will go a long way for lighting performance. 

Which tips have you managed to tackle these past few weeks? Drop a comment below to share with our readers.