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10 Landscaping Tips from Professionals

Landscape Professional Tools

Do you wish you were a professional landscape designer? Many DIY landscapers struggle with landscape design and try to learn the ins and outs too fast. As a result, they make numerous mistakes and get overwhelmed by the stress of the entire process.

Landscape designers have many years of experience and practice and that isn’t something you can learn in three days. Regardless of your research (you should do some!), you could never amass the knowledge of a professional landscape designer. But, you can learn some of their tips and tricks to help you along the way.

Tips from the pros that will help you make your landscape look more professional:

Add Depth

Add depth to the landscape by lining the outside of your property with taller trees. Smaller trees look better towards the front which creates more depth and an overall cohesive design. Taller trees also look nice framing the home.

Balance the Planting

Don’t overpower the perimeter of your home with so many plants that it loses its style and beauty. Conversely, don’t leave it so sparse that you reveal too much of the home’s foundation.

Planting Placement

Don’t plant foundation shrubs close together. They will mature over time and broaden their reach so give them ample space to grow.

Incorporate Design Lines

Consider design lines when planting your shrub border. Don’t just plant them in any haphazard way. When the winter season arrives, you still want visual interest even though the plants may not be flowering. Use annuals, as well, to add interest to the winter landscape.

Lower-Growing Plants for Easy Maintenance

When planting shrubs under windows, consider lower-growing plants so maintenance is minimal. There is nothing worse than shrubs that grow past the window and block light from coming into the home. If you are willing to prune, don’t worry about it. But if you are a low-maintenance person, go with the low-growing plants.

Appropriate Size and Texture

When choosing plants to be set together, match leaf size and texture. The leaves should be similar in appearance to create an overall aesthetic appeal.

Plan for the Future

If you are thinking of having children, create a small area where kids can roam and play. The same principle applies to pets, especially dogs that need room to run.

Sunlight for Vegetable Gardens

Vegetable gardens need ample sunlight. During the planning stage, map out the vegetable garden area and work around it with the rest of your design.

Cover Unwanted Sight

Are there any items you want to hide? How about those ugly trash cans and power poles? Consider using trees, fences covered with vines, trellises, and shrubs to cover unsightly areas and remove them from sightlines.

Avoid Placing Plants under the Roof

Beware of planting in areas where water runs down from the roof into the ground. Set plants away from your home’s foundation and anywhere excess water could cause a problem.

Wrapping Up

Remember, above all, not to overextend yourself. If you are a novice, start with plants that do not require much attention. As you become more experienced, you can alter whatever you want. Your landscape design will always be a creative work in progress.