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How to Add Security To Your Home Using Landscape Lighting

Your home is meant to be a place of safety, security, and comfort.  Nothing can shake that foundation more than worrying about thugs and thieves invading your house or property.

While there are many solutions to this problem, adding security to your home with landscape lighting or security lights is considered the #1 theft-deterrent by the majority of law enforcement agencies.

Landscape lights can remove shadowed areas where thieves might try to hide.  They make your home less palatable to the would-be burglar by making them more visible to the neighborhood.  They also add to your personal security by lighting the path from the driveway to the doorway, giving you peace of mind as you return home each night.

Few Considerations Before Illuminating Your Landscape:

Type of Lights you will use

You will need directional lights such as bullets or floodlights.  Bullet lights will light up your trees, shrubs, etc. very effectively.  You can use floodlights to illuminate large areas of your yard or the house itself.  You will want to add some path lights for your driveway and sidewalk areas.  You can use flowers, pagoda, mushrooms, or traditional shapes depending on what fits best with your overall theme.

How Your Lights is Activated

Some have light sensors so that when the sun goes down, the lights come on.  Other lights have motion sensors, which means if anything from the neighbor’s cat to a prowler approaches them they will illuminate instantly.  For you James Bond types, there are lights available with heat sensors that can be set to detect only body heat from human beings.  So if you are high-tech, or low, you can choose an option that fits you.

Wrapping Up

So you see, while landscape lighting is beautiful, it can also be very helpful in making you feel secure.  Whether you choose just to light that sidewalk from the driveway or light your entire place up like the Vegas strip, you can use landscape lighting to protect your property, family, and home.