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How to properly stylize your front porch

If you live in a single-family home, the front porch is the first thing that people see when they come to visit. Next to other spaces like the living room, kitchen, and backyard patio, this spot is often overlooked. After all, why would you decorate a small area when you have an entire homeland yard to decorate? That said, there are many ways in which LED porch lights and other eye-catching elements help to create a welcoming ambiance without too much effort spent. 

Be sure to put out a welcome mat

Not only does a welcome mat help keep your floors clean from the dirt, debris, and moisture that is attached to your shoes, but it also makes your doorstep more approachable, with the option to choose from some cheeky mats that are customized to your personality. Give your guests a good first impression with a fun and abrasive scraping surface!  

Add lots of plants to the space

Greenery has a brilliant way of creating a more intentional area. So, whether you’re the type of homeowner who prefers to put pots of varying sizes beside your railings and doorway or hang up some floral planters as a space-saver, having foliage makes the area feel more vibrant and welcoming. 

Seating is never a bad idea

Depending on the square footage of your porch, incorporating a few comfortable spots are a great way to invite guests to sit back, relax, and enjoy the area. Whether it’s a bench with a pair of cushions or the simplicity of a wicker chair, comfort can easily be achieved with seating that boasts the idea of staying a while. 

LED porch lights brighten your surroundings

The standard incandescent light may bring illumination to the porch area but it lacks the aesthetic appeal of the wide variety of LED porch lights! While you could simply swap out your bulb for an LED-friendly option, there are other ways to brighten your outdoor area.

Get festive with the seasons

Feeling festive? Holidays like Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Chinese New Year, Easter, and many more are great excuses to curate your porch space and fill it with various decor throughout the year. You can even change things up based on the season with pumpkins for fall, holiday lights for winter, and a springtime wreath filled with flowers.

Do you have any other ideas for your porch that you care to share with our readers? If so, drop them in the comments section below.